Ree Consulting Inc. was founded in 2015 as a Marketing and Social Media Consultancy and since launch has evolved to include Executive and other Coaching services.
From a marketing perspective we have had the pleasure and privilege of working with incredible global organizations such as:
– Jamie’s Italian Canada (part of the Jamie Oliver brand)
– Rogers Communications
– The Aga Khan Museum (part of the Aga Khan Development Network)
– Hewlett Packard Enterprise
– Hewlett Packard
Current and previous Coaching clients include Fortune 500 companies, Nonprofit, Government and Finance organizations, Energy companies, Educational establishments, Software companies and Hospitals spanning Singapore to the West Coast of the US. Additional Coaching clients include Lumency and BetterUp Direct.
Using an innovative strategic approach, clients are walked alongside, using a proven data driven end-to-end process that enables the achievment of collaborative goals set.
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